You can rely on AMT to keep you up to date with the latest developments in your field. We lead the way with substantial investment in technology, course materials and targeted publications, and we expect our authors and trainers to keep abreast of current practice in the sectors and jurisdictions for which they write and teach. Our AMT Online (AMTO) learning management system gives you instant access to a vast selection of resources.
AMT Training was a very exciting e-commerce/multi-currency project which I created during my time at Wilmington plc. The initial goal was to consolidate all of AMT's existing websites into one central site, improving SEO & revenue.
Previously AMT had multiple websites, with multiple stores on different domains which were very difficult to navigate. We initially met with a design agency to come up with a plan to achieve our goals.
The design was then supplied to us & it was my job to turn this into a Content Managed Website.
The website consists of:
- This allows customers to easily view/filter & purchase course supplements online.
- This allows customers to easily view availabilty across locations & purchase multiple courses.
- A blog like feature to host in-depth analysis & productivityenhancers documentation across the finance sector. These content pages act as a landing page for popular search terms & allow sharing across multiple platforms with ease
The end result is a slick website with better SEO ranking & a massive increase in online sales.