umbracoUrlName Vs umbracoUrlAlias


This property will allow you to rename your URL without updating the node name.

So for instance. The URL to this page is

If you would like to have a shorter, neater URL without affecting the node name in the back office.

You need to:

  • Create a new property on the document type
    • name: "umbracoUrlName"
    • type: "Textstring".
  • Open the content node and fill in the new field with the value "shortname".
  • Our new URL would become:




This property allows you to set up multiple URLs for one content node.

To set this up: 

  • You need to:
  • create a new property on the document type with the name "umbracoUrlAlias" and type of "Textstring".
  • Open the content node and fill in the new field with the value "shortnames, name-vs-alias".
  • Our new URL would become: &


Things to note:

  • The original URL still works. 
  • You can add as many links as you like as a comma separated link.
  • The URLs will be created in the route. e.g.

