How to prevent CSS @keyframes from reverting to the start

I recently had to add an overlay to an image.


I created an overlay div, with a black background.  Inside this div is an image which the client could change the opacity using a sliding scale.



The issue I had was that the images were being lazy loaded, and all transitioned onto the screen after a 0.6s delay.  This meant that the overlay with its black background would display as a black square for 0.6 seconds before the images loaded. Not ideal.


I decided to use a keyframe to add a delay on the overlay loading onto the page.


A fade in of colour can easily be achieved by using the @keyframes rule.



div {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: #fff;
  animation-name: fadein;
  animation-duration: 4s;

@keyframes fadein {
  from {background-color: #fff;}
  to {background-color: #000;}

(click on Result to re-run the animation below)

The problem:

  • after the transition is complete it goes back to the original colour: white
  • I don't actually need a transition at all, I just want a delay. After 0.6s load the black background.


The key to achieve this, is to set the background to white for 99% of the transition & black for the remaining 1%.


div {
  width: 200px;
  height: 200px;
  background-color: #fff;
  animation: fadein 3s forwards;

@keyframes fadein {
       99% {

I've added a 3 second delay to the code below.


(click on Result to re-run the animation below)

